We believe that playgrounds and outdoor play equipment offer kids fresh air, fun, exercise and are vital parts of childhood. We learned the hard way that it's important to make sure that faulty equipment, improper surfaces, and knowledgeable staff are in place to make sure that kids stay safe.
According to the CDC each year in the United States, emergency departments (EDs) treat more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground-related injuries. More than 20,000 of these children are treated for a traumatic brain injury. Knowing what to look for and who to talk to is one of the most importation things you can do as a parent.
Playground Safety Quick Links
Public Playground Safety Handbook, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commissions
Outdoor Home Playground Safety Handbook, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commissions
Playground Report Card, National Program for Playground Safety
Does your child play on a playground or
outdoor play equipment on a regular basis?
This could be at a preschool, elementary school, church, public playground or even a friends' backyard.
Here are some questions to ask yourself. If you don't know the answer to all of them,
we highly encourage you to find them out from the person that is in charge of the play area.
Playground Safety Questions to Ask
Are all swings, climbing equipment & slides anchored into the ground?
Is there ground covering; tanbark, rubber or sand, under all play equipment?
What is the depth of the loose ground covering? Minimum for sand and tanbark are 9 inches, and 6 for loose rubber.**
Is there a daily, weekly, monthly safety checklist for the play equipment?
If there are large structures, have they been inspected by an independent Certified Playground Safety Inspector? If so ask to see the report.
Is there a procedure in place to alert parents when new large playground equipment is scheduled to be installed.
What standards do they use to determine safety measures are being taken.
**Please check out the Public Playground Safety Handbook, linked below, for exact numbers or check with your local agencies.
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